Ice Cream Picture Frame
1. Sketch your design on the wood frame with a pencil . Once you are okay with your design, use Acrylic paint (we used pink for strawberry ice cream) and brushed to paint over your design. TIP: use a ruler to get the straight lines of a waffle cone. LET DRY.
2. Paint on Craft Glue or Modge Podge where you want your sprinkles or sequins to be. Sprinkle on the embellishments and let dry.
3. Add additional embellishments. For our frame, we also added some ice cream embellishments. We used a strong adhesive (E6000) for this part. Let dry fully.
4. Add your picture and enjoy!
What You'll Need:
Dress It Up Button Pack in Ice Cream N Sprinkles
Wood Frame
Other Supplies: E6000, Arcylic Paint + brushes, Modge Podge, Cutters
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